Helpful 911 Hints




Supply your vital information


Give your exact location - any street names, landmarks, mile markers, or city/county names.

Stay on the line

Do not hang up. Stay on the line if possible. Hanging up can delay request times and telecommunicators will try to call you back.

Answer questions

Answer every question asked by the telecommunicator. This will help them to know what type of assistance you need and who to dispatch to your location.


  • Ensure you are out of harm's way before calling 911
  • Stay calm and speak clearly
  • Verify the phone number from which you are calling in case the line disconnects
  • Explain the nature of the call (do you need police, Ambulance, Fire, etc.)


  • Stay calm
  • Keep the line open and try to make some noise to indicate that there is an emergency
  • The 911 system automatically identifies your location if calling from a landline
  • Emergency services will be dispatched to your location


  • Dial 911 and connect to TTY
  • To activate telecommunicator's TTY, tap a few keys
  • Once the call is answered, type in the nature of the call (police, fire, medical, etc.)
  • Provide your name, address, and phone number as requested
  • If safe, stay at your TTY until all questions have been answered


Upon identifying the need for an interpreter, the Telecommunicator will remain on the line while conferencing the Language Line with the appropriate language to further communicate with the caller to determine the emergency needs.


  • Keep your phone in an accessible place
  • Do not program 911 into your phone as it may be dialed unintentionally
  • Direct children in the home how and when to use 911
  • Post your address and phone number on the refrigerator and other visible places within your home for others who may need the information in case of an emergency
  • Make sure your that address is easily seen from the street
  • Know how to use 911 with the types of phones that you own

Speaking Callers

  • Ensure you are out of harm's way before calling 9-1-1
  • Stay calm and speak clearly
  • Verify the phone number from which you are calling in case the line disconnects
  • Explain the nature of the call (do you need police, Ambulance, Fire, etc.)

Non-Speaking Callers from a Landline

  • Stay calm
  • Keep the line open and try to make some noise to indicate that there is an emergency
  • The 9-1-1 system automatically identifies your location if calling from a landline
  • Emergency services will be dispatched to your location

Speech or Hearing Impaired Callers

  • Dial 9-1-1 and connect to TTY
  • To activate telecommunicator's TTY, tap a few keys
  • Once the call is answered, type in the nature of the call (police, fire, medical, etc.)
  • Provide your name, address, and phone number as requested
  • If safe, stay at your TTY until all questions have been answered

Non-English Speaking Callers

Upon identifying the need for an interpreter, the Telecommunicator will remain on the line while conferencing the Language Line with the appropriate language to further communicate with the caller to determine the emergency needs.

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